Monday, October 23, 2006

Super Mama

My Girls

Now it's my time to post about the infamous dog snatching incident. After a long day of work I came home to rest and take a nap. My girls asked to play outside, I hesitated like I always do because I don't trust many of the people we live by. I'd say an hour or so later they come walking in with a puppy and tell me they found it on the road shivering and crying. It had a scratch on it's nose and they thought it might have been abandoned or beat up. Of course they wanted to keep the poor thing but if anyone knows Don he doesn't want animals in out house because of his ceremonial items. I told them to go and try to find the owner since I have seen a dog like this one before while checking the mail. They came back and told me they took it to a person who has a full size version of this dog and they would keep it till the owner is found. They also said they looked at other places. I called my mother to tell her and she said to tell the people if the owner isn't found they would take the dog. My children got all excited and took off back to the house, within minutes they came back with the dog and said the people were on the way out to take it to the pound. I kept asking them if they were sure since they usually don't lie to me. And the dog was brought to my mothers house. It was exciting and my kids were happy and giddy over this animal. They have been wanting a pet dog so bad and I felt bad that they've been wishing for so long and Don has been adamant about not having one. It makes me angry that he doesn't even know how happy a dog could manke them. For these reasons I was willing to try to keep this dog. even my parents were happy for a couple of hours.


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